
More bookwraps, it’s really addictive. If you haven’t already, take a look at the bookwrapgems site. If you have, go take another look, new wraps are appearing every day. It makes you want to make more yourself.

These are my newest bookwraps. Made with my new toy, the Janome 350E embroidery machine.

circles donuts

If you look closely, you’ll see I’ve used the scraps from one of my threadpaintings to make the wrap. Then I just had some fun with the embroidery software.

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Threadpainting statue

As you can see, you can make a threadpainting of just about anything. In this case a picture I took of a statue. Cut out the statue (printed onto fabric), fuse it onto the background fabric, make the quiltsandwich and off you go. It’s also fun to figure out different ways to quilt the background. This one is quilted in blocks. It’s not quite finished yet. I’m waiting for some ceramic buttons to add to the centers of the blocks…

threadpainting statue

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More thread painting

thread painting

I think I’m addicted…to coffee and to thread painting. A good opportunity to combine my addictions and make a thread painting of some of my coffee cups. I took a photograph of one of my coffee cups and manipulated the result on my i-pad using Moku HD. I printed the result onto a piece of white fabric (one big cup, two small ones) and then it’s time for the really fun part, thread painting.

thread painting

The big cup is almost finished. I haven’t decided exactly how to carry on. I think I’ll cut out the cup and then use it on a background quilt. To be continued…

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Happy 2013!

Wishing everyone a very happy and creative 2013.

Keep stitching!

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Winterfair bij de Witte Pimpernel

Winterfair bij de Witte Pimpernel

De Winterfair van de Witte Pimpernel in Oene staat weer voor de deur. Vrijdag 23 en zaterdag 24 november ben je van harte welkom van  10.00 – 17.00 en hier vind je alvast een voorproefje. Bij de Witte Pimpernel vind je alles op het gebeid van quilten en patchwork, maar ook breien, haken, kaarten maken, vilten, encaustic. Verder ook veel cadeau-artikelen.

Op de Winterfair:

Expositie van quilts van Quiltgroep Boskamp uit Olst

Atelier De Bloempot:  keramiek en een demonstratie werken met de schopschijf

With Soap: zeep-artikelen, zeep-cadeautjes en nog veel meer

Herma van Born: sieraden en kraag creaties van rubber

Atelier Het Draadje: Demonstratie spinnen, wol, breien, vilten

Anna Slurink: demonstratie paper roses, Victorian Roses

Imkerij ’t Haagje: verschillende soorten honing

Nail Art uit Twello

Demonstratie origami

Handgemaakte wens/kerst/enz kaarten


Natuurlijk ben ik zelf ook op de Winterfair. Wil je mijn gevouwen patchwork blokken en mijn gevouwen log cabin quilts van dichtbij bekijken, dan is dit je kans. Je kunt je ook ter plekke opgeven voor een van mijn vouw workshops. Er zijn ook nog een paar plaatsen vrij voor de workshop met de punchmachine op vrijdag 14 december.

Speciaal voor kinderen/tieners ‘workshop tasje quilten’: maak een leuk tasje voor kleine spulletjes of voor je mobiele telefoon. Meer weten? Kom naar de Winterfair!

Winterfair folded log cabin

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Folding frenzy 2

After folding and twiddling every last piece of fabric you have in your stash, you’ll have to figure out what to do with the results. I made some of mine into shopping bags:I used readymade shopping bags and added my folded sample as a pocket on the front. You can also use your samples to make cushions,  table runners, small quilts, etc.

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Folding frenzy

Some workshops should come with a warning. Jennie Rayment‘s folding workshops definitely should. Folding is addictive. Once you’ve started, it’s hard to stop because you keep thinking ‘what if I use this fabric, what if I make it smaller/bigger, what if I make it into a cushion/bag/quilt/etc. So here’s what happened:

This is one of the samples I made in Jennie’s class, we got the basics down during the class (she really makes you work) and then I finished it at home. This is the second sample:

At home I made some more. First using batik fabrics:

And then I made smaller pieces in white cotton. These are samples for the quilt I am going to make for my granddaughter Sara.

As you’ve probably guessed from the samples , it’s going to be a white and pink quilt, with lots of folding and applique.

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Festival of Quilts Video on

For everyone who didn’t get to the Festival of Quilts and everyone who did and wants a repeat. Someone tipped me to this video today. It shows a selection of the quilts in the Pictorial category, including the winners and my own quilt (at the very end). Enjoy!




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Student work

Last Saturday I finally got round to taking some pictures of two quilts made by my students last year. It was their first attempt at designing a quilt of their own. So far they had always worked from patterns so this was a big step for them. They both used a postcard as inspiration and ended up with these two little treasures. Carla still has to do the quilting on her quilt so I hope I’ll have a picture of that soon. Ciska’s quilt is finished, don’t you just love the little umbrellas?

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Bookwrap Gems

One of the reasons you have to go to the Festival of Quilts 2013 is the Tombola. It’s being organised by Contemporary Quilt, a special interest group of the Quilters’ Guild of the British Isles of which I’m a member. Contemporary Quilt first organised a Tombola in 2009, Little Gem Quilts, the proceeds go to the Quilters’ Guild. This time it’s Bookwrap Gems, and if you want to know more, check out the website:

And as making bookwraps is so very addictive, here are some more examples:


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