Category Archives: Journal Quilts

Journal Quilts

And now for something completely different, my April Journal Quilt. The theme is still tulips but instead of a single tulip I decided to do masses of tulips, or rather an impression of masses of tulips. journal quilt


Batik and hand-dyed fabric, hand stitching, finished with cord. Tulip fields in spring.

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Journal Quilts

Another journal quilt, finished at last. The good news is that number 4 is on the way, I should be able to finish it in time. This one has the same pattern as the first two but a different technique: gold-painted fusible web with some quilting around the tulip and the letters, satin stitch lines  and gold beads, and a corded finish like the first two.

journal quilts


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Journal Quilts

And here’s the second of my journal quilts. As you can see, I’m trying to catch up. The second journal quilt is made with the same pattern as the first but with a different applique technique:

journal quilts

For this quilt I used the same batik fabric as for the first. Hand applique, buttonhole stitching, hand quilting, ribbon, beads and finished with cord, 80/20 fusible Hobbs batting, Wonderfil threads.

This is hand applique using the apliquick method. No idea what that is? Have a look here:

If you want more information, check their website: Apliquick The website is in Spanish but if you’re interested and can’t manage the Spanish, ask me.




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Journal Quilts

You might say I’m a bit behind with my Journal Quilts. I’m supposed to finish one every month…it’s now March and I still have to finish the first two quilts. I did only decide to join the challenge a day or so before the deadline (February 15), does that count as an excuse? Anyway, here’s my first almost finished Journal Quilt:

Tulp 01

Almost finished because I still have to add some sort of binding (and a tunnel, and a label). I used batik fabric, fusible web for the raw edge applique, and then lots of stitching with my beautiful Wonderfil threads, in this case Tutti (blue/yellow) and Mirage (red/purple). The batting is 80/20 fusible Hobbs.


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Journal Quilts

I’ve been wanting to join the CQ Journal Quilt challenge for a while but I’ve only just found the courage to actually do so. I’m always scared I won’t manage to finish everything in time, but here goes. This year’s challenge is an 8×12 inch quilt (landscape orientation) with a theme of your own choosing. You do have to stick to it for all 12 quilts. My theme is ‘tulips’. Why, you may wonder…Well, I have a thing for tulips, I’ve already made one tulip quilt:



There is another reason though, one of my sisters. I gave her one of my first quilts to put on the wall of the lawfirm she runs with two colleagues in Madrid. They’re called: Tulp abogados (tulp is tulip in Dutch). Having seen the progress my quilting efforts have made, my sister thought it was time for a new quilt. My journal quilts will explore the options and hopefully come up with the basis for a new tulip quilt.

The logo of the lawfirm is:


and I decided to use it as a starting point for my journal quilts.


I am using batik fabric for my first four quilts and a series of different techniques.

And before I forget, if you ever need a really good lawyer in Spain, call my sister, you’ll find her here:

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