Category Archives: Needle-felting

Textieldagen Verhildersum 2013

Het zit er weer op, de Textieldagen Verhildersum 2013. Het was koud en nat maar toch een groot succes.

Textieldagen Verhildersum

Heel veel leuke enthousiaste reacties gekregen op de quilts, kussens en boekjes die ik mee had genomen.

Textieldagen Verhildersum

De workshops waren ook een groot succes. Deze foto kreeg ik van de familie Burgler uit Aduard:

Textieldagen Verhildersum

Het resultaat van de workshop Mini Art Quilt, daar kun je mee thuis komen!

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Textieldagen Verhildersum

Het weekend van Hemelvaart vind je me op de Textieldagen Verhildersum:


11 & 12 mei jaarlijkse Textieldagen op Verhildersum

Ieder jaar in het weekend na hemelvaart staat Landgoed Borg Verhildersum te Leens twee dagen volledig in het teken van textiel. Lapjes, bolletjes, hoeden, tassen, draden, patronen, boeken, maar ook wandkleden, workshops en kunstwerken. Er zijn volop info- en verkoop kraampjes waar u alles kunt vinden wat u nodig heeft voor breien, quilten, vilten, borduren, weven en allerlei handwerk hobby’s. Zaterdag 11 & zondag 12 mei, van 10.30 tot 17.00u in de Museumboerderij van Landgoed Borg Verhildersum te Leens (Groningen), entreeprijs €7,50.

Dit jaar is het thema “Textiel en Kunst”. Er zal, naast de standaard kraampjes met handwerkmateriaal en naslagwerken, extra aandacht besteed worden aan het gebruik van textiel als autonome kunstvorm. Denk aan zeer creatieve breiwerken of wandkleden die net schilderijen lijken. Jong en oud kunnen zich vergapen aan kunstig en kleurrijk textiel en tijdens de workshops samen bezig met hun eigen creaties. Ook zal getoond worden hoe met oude technieken traditionele en moderne ontwerpen  te maken zijn.

De workshops worden dit jaar gegeven door Blomsterstuga uit Loppersum, een viltatelier; Weefgoed uit Winsum, met spinnen met een spintol en pre-historisch twijnen; Wolstudio Fochteloo over breien, haken, enz. en Pezzettino Quilting uit Epe met quilts en quiltpatronen. Hiernaast zullen vele demonstraties de hele dag door getoond worden. Kom tot rust in het breicafé, doe mee aan de breiwedstrijd of leg uw handwerkproblemen voor aan experts.

Op de rest van het landgoed kunt u de tentoonstelling “Terugkomst van de bewoners”, over zes eeuwen Groninger macht en pracht, bekijken en de in 19e eeuwse stijl ingerichte borg. In Grand Café ’t Schathuys zijn portretten van bijzondere Groninger boeren en diverse landschapsschilderijen te bewonderen en kun u uiteraard genieten van een kop koffie of een lunch. Op zondag 12 mei zal in de tuin een concert plaats vinden in het kader van een uitwisseling tussen het Praedinius Gymnasium uit Groningen met het J. Althusius Gymnasium uit Emden (Du).

Textieldagen Verhildersum

Trudi de Kreek

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Festival of Quilts 2012

The Festival of Quilts in Birmingham was once again an incredible experience. So many beautiful quilts, so many wonderful people, so much interesting new quilt stuff. You’re ready to drop after four days but it still never seems enough. If you’ve never been, put it on your calendar, August 8-11, 2013!

I sent two of my quilts to the competition. My threadpainted doors to the Pictorial Quilts:



and a new quilt, ‘A thing of beauty…’, to the Quilters’ Guild Challenge:

A thing of beauty…

The theme of the challenge was: Britain, what it means to me. The inspiration comes from English language and literature. I used several of my favourite poems. It has a needlefelted background with heavy machine stitching, hand stitching, poems printed on silk, and beading.

The quilts didn’t win any prizes but there were some nice comments from the judges and visitors.



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More bookwrap fun

Once you get started making bookwraps, you see possibilities everywhere. So, I made some more, the Sunset series:

The strips on the bookwraps were made by needlefelting a piece of felt with wool tops. The background is quilted.

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More bookwraps

Bits and pieces from my new quilt, it’s still underwraps, waiting to make its debut at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham next week, but here are the bookwraps:

Britain I

Britain II

Britain III

Needlefelting, machine embroidery, cording, and lots of stitching.

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I’ve found a new addiction. The good thing is, it doesn’t cost a lot and you end up with lots of pretty gifts. For a project that’s coming up (still under wraps, more at a later date) I’ve started making bookwraps for A6-sized notebooks. To put in a little extra challenge for myself I’m making them from leftover bits and pieces and experiments. So far I haven’t had to buy anything. The only ‘new’ material I use is threads and ribbons and sometimes a bit of backing (leftover bits of fabric). Here are some of the results:

 Festival I        Festival II

Festival III

Festival IV


These bookwraps were all made from pieces left over from my Festival quilt. They are needle-felted (embellisher), stitched, machine quilted, and finished with cording.

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Meet the angels…

They’ve been around for a while but I haven’t gotten round to writing about them, my Christmas angels. I’d been wanting to make some angels since I fell in love with a little glass angel my parents brought from Mexico. There’s a little glass dove too that we’ve already used for the cradles of the twins and for their quilts as well (see the babyquilts of Emma and Eva).

Do you remember this piece of needlefelted fabric? It’s the perfect material for my angels.

I finished the pieces of the angels with gold yarn and then appliqued them onto the background. The background was quilted and then finished with gold cord.

There was still some fabric left so:



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Danger! Approach with caution!

I really think embellisher machines should come with this warning. Of course, there are warnings in the manual of the embellisher, about keeping your fingers away from the needles for example. But nobody tells you how addictive the machine is. You don’t believe me? Look at the picture I took of this lady at the workshop I gave last Friday.

She doesn’t hear or see anything except her work. The result:

This was the first piece she made, to try out the machine and the different fabrics. Then she went on to do this piece, it’s not finished yet so she placed an order for the embellisher (I said it should come with a warning).

These are the pieces that were made by the other ladies:

Sample by Carla

Another piece by Carla

Sample by Cobie, she plans to frame it and hang it on her wall.

In case you’re wondering, Carla ordered the machine too, Cobie is thinking about it. Oh, and the owner of the shop where I gave the workshop ordered one too…Like I said, approach with caution!!!


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A hole in your tights?

I’ve been wanting to use my embellisher to fix holes in sweaters or something. I keep telling people you can but I’ve never really tried it. But now I have, my niece Anna was kind enough to fall down and put a hole in her new tights.

An excellent challenge for my embellisher. Together we chose the colours, a pink dot (of course), a purple dot and yellow heart. A few minutes later Anna was ready to show her better-than-new tights!

But the embellisher can do more, much more. I love using it to make ‘new fabric, like this one in white, cream and gold.

The next step is stitching, lots of it.

And when it’s finished, it looks like this. The colour changes between the pictures are changing light, not changing colours…

The next step…to be continued.

Some more stitching, I finished my threadpainting!!! I love this technique and am definitely planning to do more.

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It’s been a very busy week, hardly had any time to breathe, let alone write on my blog. So, a quick update.

Last Tuesday I went to talk to the owner of one of the local quilt-shops (De Witte Pimpernel)about starting a children’s course. While I was there we had a visit from a journalist from the local paper who wanted to write an article about quilt-shops. She was so enthusiastic about the idea for a children’s course that she wrote us a great article in Friday’s paper, including a photo of the shop with Ria (the owner of the shop) and yours truly. Getting free publicity is wonderful but we still had a course to put together in time for the Open Day at the shop on Saturday. Despite the fact that absolutely everything and everyone seemed to conspire against us (unexpected visits, the weather, you name it), we managed to finish everything just in time.

The Open Day was a great success. We had a lot of visitors interested in the various courses on offer. I had a wonderful time talking to all these people about the wonderful world of quilting. Some of the ladies were very interested in the children’s course. Not for their children though, they wanted to do it themselves! So now I have to write an adapted version of my course for adults. It looks like I have a busy autumn ahead!

There was also a lot of interest for my needle-felting work so I think I’ll be teaching a class with the embellisher (in Dutch: punchmachine) as well. Isn’t it great to be able to share what you love doing with others?

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