Virtual workshops using Zoom
Workshops are available for groups as well as for individual students. I can teach in English, Dutch, Spanish (if you don’t mind my less than perfect Spanish), and Italian.
‘Going round in circles’ for beginners and everyone else who wants to have a fun couple of hours of no-stress hand stitching. Learn how to make a ‘going round in circles’ block and lots of variations using simple materials. You will need a piece of batting or felt, scraps of fabric, thread, and a button as well as a needle, pins, and a pair of scissors. This is a two hour workshop. If you want to book this workshop for a group, please contact me:
Please see below for planned workshops in English, Dutch, Spanish, and Italian.
Workshop ‘going round in circles’ (English)

I will teach this workshop in English on Zoom.
You will learn how to make your own ‘going round in circles’ blocks.
Topics covered are:
- Materials
- Designing your block
- Stitching the circles
- Problem solving
- What can you do/make with your blocks
During the workshop you will design and make at least one block and be inspired to make many more.
No workshops planned at the moment. Please contact me if you want to schedule something for your group or some friends. If you send me an e-mail I will also update you as soon as I plan new
Taller ‘going round in circles’ (español)

Daré este taller en español sobre Zoom. Mi español no es perfecto pero creo que nos las arreglaremos.
Aprenderás a hacer tus propios bloques ‘going round in circles’.
Los temas cubiertos son:
- Materiales
- Diseñando tu bloque
- Cosiendo los círculos
- Resolución de problemas
- ¿Qué puedes hacer con tus bloques?
Durante el taller diseñarás y harás al menos un bloque y te inspirarás para hacer muchos más.
No hay talleres planeados por el momento. Por favor contácteme si desea programar algo para su grupo o algunos amigos. Si me envía un correo electrónico, también lo actualizaré tan pronto como planee nuevos
Workshop ‘going round in circles’ (Nederlands)

Deze workshop geef ik in het Nederlands op Zoom.
In deze workshop leer je hoe je zelf ‘going round in circles’ blokken kunt maken.
Onderwerpen die aan de orde komen zijn:
- Materialen
- Je blok ontwerpen
- Het stikken van de cirkels
- Problemen oplossen
- Wat kun je doen / maken met je blokken
Tijdens de workshop ontwerp en maak je tenminste één blok en doe je ideeën op voor nog veel meer.
Momenteel geen workshops gepland. Neem contact met me op als je iets wilt plannen voor je groep of een paar vrienden. Als je me een e-mail stuurt, zal ik je ook op de hoogte houden zodra ik nieuwe workshops plan:
Workshop ‘going round in circles’ (italiano)

Insegnerò questo workshop in italiano su zoom.
Imparerai come creare i tuoi blocchi ‘going round in circles’.
Gli argomenti trattati sono:
- Materiali
- Progettare il tuo blocco
- Cucire i cerchi
- Risoluzione dei problemi
- Cosa puoi fare con i tuoi blocchi
Durante il workshop progetterai e realizzerai almeno un blocco e sarai ispirato a realizzarne molti altri.
Nessun workshop in programma al momento. Per favore contattami se vuoi programmare qualcosa per il tuo gruppo o per alcuni amici. Se mi mandi una e-mail ti aggiornerò anche non appena pianifico nuovi workshop: